Feeding Ministry
One of the best ways to sow our love of God and Jesus Christ is to reflect that love toward those around us, especially those who often feel distanced or completely removed from that love.
Our activities include Special offerings for: Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Week of Compassion, Pentecost, Angel Giving Tree, School supply Drive: and each month we pick an organization to donate to. We pick one or two items that we ask the congregation to donate.
Shepherding Ministry
The Shepherds show their Christian love by reaching out to members and friends of our congregation (their sheep). Words of comfort, support, and encouragement in times of joy and celebration, tragedy and sorrow, are expressed throughout the year.
Prayer Chain Ministry
Our Prayer Chain Ministry is an
e-mail ministry that gives comfort and support to anyone needing a spiritual helping hand. Most of us have experienced the need for prayer and because of this we are called to pray for others. We believe that the peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, can be found in any prayer but especially in corporate prayer.
Wonderzone Child Care Ministry
Our school-age program seeks to work alongside the working parent/family. We provide before and after school care for elementary students, care on days that the school is closed, and a fantastic summer program.
Youth Ministry
Kids (Pre-K -5th grade) meet for fun, engaging and kid-friendly Children’s Church during the Sunday morning service at 10:30. This service inspires our kids to find their place in God’s big story and instill core values; God Knows Me, Jesus Loves Me, The Holy Spirit Leads Me, I am a Child of God. Grow deeper in their knowledge of the Bible through our teachings and discussions during our Disciple Squad. We meet in the Disciple Center during the school year on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. This group gives kids of all ages the opportunity to explore their belongingness with each other, the world, and God through their growing faith.
For more information on our Children’s Ministry please contact our Youth Director, Stephanie Pettit@ cccyouth@championchristianchurch.org or 330-847-0785.
Parkinson's Support Group
The Parkinson’s Support Group is an opportunity for people with Parkinsons Disease and their caregivers and Ioved ones to meet with others affected by PD. Meetings focus on education, exercise, and discussion. Our motto is talk-eat-shake, which pretty much describes most of our meetings! A lot of our educational materials come from the Davis Phinney Foundation or the Cleveland Clinic. A positive attitude is key to living well with Parkinson’s. We are happy to share ours with you. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month.
Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry exists to serve the church in helping leadership teams and individuals to serve God with the gifts he has given us in music. We value this ministry because Colossians 3:16 shows us it is a ministry of God’s Word, to build up his church. Included in our ministry is the chancel choir and the chancel chimes.
Visitation Ministry
We visit shut-ins and those who are away from worship for a period of time due to illness. Communion and communication from the church is shared.
Common Grounds Cafe
We have weekly guided conversations, in a relaxed setting. We cover a variety of topics, often related to what the bible says to us and how faith impacts our daily lives.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is a fun-filled program, usually during the summer months, to connect with the children and families in our communities. Vacation Bible School is an outreach meant to bring in children who don’t normally attend church and to teach them the gospel.
Ruth Circle
The story of Ruth in the Old Testament tells a wonderful story of God’s behind-the-scenes providence in the life of a woman whose descendants would include King David and ultimately, the King of Kings Himself. Ruth Circle, here at Champion Christian Church, is a women’s ministry group of study. Women of all ages are invited to join.
Friends in Faith
A women’s fellowship group that supports the church and surrounding communities with
prayer, fund raisers, special events, and other activities.
Rebekah Circle
Rebekah Circle was started by a group of dedicated, committed ladies who wanted a fellowship of their own. Over the years, Rebekah Circle has grown from meeting in members’ homes to a diverse group that meets at the church. Our circle meets monthly on the third Monday of each month at 11:00 am and we
welcome anyone who would like to join us. Taking a page from the original ladies we are, much like the
biblical Rebekah, a group of strong, independent Christian women dedicated to prayer, worship, fellowship, service, and giving to both our church and the wider community.
Diciples Men's Fellowship
All men of the church are invited to take part in this fellowship. While we do not meet on a regular schedule, we join and contribute to other group activities and services as requested.
Champion Community Senior Housing
Champion Christian Church and other local churches sponsor and provide impetus for
the formation of “Woodland Meadows”. Woodland Meadows provides residences for
retired or semi-retired persons capable of independent apartment living. Some
members of our congregation serve on the board of Officers and Directors.
Trumbull County Fair
This is a fundraiser for the church. We man a ticket booth at the Trumbull County Fair. What a great fellowship opportunity it is.
Nurture and Evangelism
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.